Back home after a wonderful stay in Paris. Thanks again to Anne Cheng for giving me the opportunity to lecture at the Collège de France. For French-speaking followers of the blog, the lectures are available online here. Please forgive the slight delay in updating the site this time, but I tested positive for covid the day after getting home. Not the best home-coming gift, but surely better than getting sick while in Paris. In any event, it is a mild case, but covid + jetlag did knock me out for a day or two.
New on the site this time : Two texts that talk about the Industrial Party 工业党 in China, an online community that preaches the supremacy of industrialsm and technocracy. The Industrial Party, like the Little Pinks, is part of the online nationalist noise that is omnipresent on China’s Internet, affording us a glimpse into the interaction of nationalism, ideology and online life in contemporary China. Lu Nanfeng and Wu Jing, “Historical Transformation and Grand Narrative: A Political Analysis of the ‘Industrial Party,’ an Online Intellectual Trend” Zhou An'an and Wu Jing, "The whole country is working hard, and I'm just one of those workers" In addition, Freya Ge and I translated a text on mental health problems among China’s high school and university students, which is troubling to say the least. Xu Kaiwen, “How Hard it is to Become a Mentally Healthy Student, Given ‘Hollow-Heart Disease’ and the Anxieties of Our Age?" Comments are closed.
About this siteThis web site is devoted to the subject of intellectual life in contemporary China, and more particularly to the writings of establishment intellectuals. What you will find here are essentially translations of texts my collaborators and I consider important. Click here for tips on getting the most out of the site. Click here for the 15 most popular translations, and here for my personal favorites. Archives
November 2024
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